• وبلاگ : پروانگي
  • يادداشت : تلنگر يك دزد!
  • نظرات : 0 خصوصي ، 38 عمومي
  • پارسي يار : 6 علاقه ، 20 نظر
  • ساعت ویکتوریا

    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:
    + henny123 
    The Heardle game gives the idea that it is playing a soothing song, but it suddenly changes to an exhilarating combination of music, which is really unexpected. Because most relaxing games lose interest after a few trials, you"ll have six wonderful chances. However, the game still manages to keep you interested all the way through!